Thursday, May 28, 2015

Pierre Clement, Susan Hollar, Ellen Meiselman, and Johmarx Patton attended the Medbiquitous Annual Conference, which was held May 17 - 19 at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. MedBiquitous is a nonprofit, international group of professional associations, universities, commercial, and governmental organizations seeking to develop and promote ANSI-approved technology standards for the health professions.  The 2015 conference focused on using analytics to drive change in educational practice, implementing eportfolios, the MedBiq Curriculum Inventory, and XAPI.   A complete schedule of presentations is available at:  

As the UM Medical School moves forward with a competency-based curriculum, presentations on the Medbiq Competency Framework were particularly relevant.   The Competency Framework has the potential to inform connections among curriculum, learning resources, and assessment data, enabling competency-based views of the curriculum and student outcomes.  Expect to hear more about the Competency Framework in the future!

  • Workshop:  Portfolios and workplace based assessment, Johmarx Patton
  • Workshop:  Using XAPI to track Learner Activities in Health Professions Schools, Ellen Meiselman
  • Panel Presentation:  Developing the Learner Portfolio for competency-based medical education, Johmarx Patton and Susan Hollar


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