Wednesday, March 23, 2016

By Stephanie Dascola,

Sponsored by U-M CIO Laura Patterson, Hacks with Friends is a spirited two day event where participants are encouraged to break out of their normal routines and have some fun forming a team, building a project (a.k.a. “hack”) from beginning to end, and showing it off in a fun, friendly competition.

The winning team of Drew Montag, (MSIS), Mark Champe, (LSA IT), John Gallias (LSA IT), and Raden Tonev (MICHR), developed a hack called Term Report. It’s a script that aids users in submitting help requests more efficiently. It gathers environment information, and allows users to demonstrate the problem, capture the command line interaction for replay by the support team. They even gave a live demo of the working script during their presentation—very brave!

Congratulations to Hacks with Friends 2016 Winners! (L-R) Drew Montag (MSIS), Mark Champe (LSA IT), John Gallias (LSA IT), and Raden Tonev (MICHR)!
Congratulations to Hacks with Friends 2016 Winners!
(L-R) Drew Montag (MSIS), Mark Champe (LSA IT), Raden Tonev (MICHR), and John Gallias (LSA IT)!  


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