Monday, October 12, 2015

--Monica Webster (

The Process Improvement Group (PIG) has been active since February of 2012. Since that time the group has led and implemented several key processes including (but not limited to):
  • On-boarding and Off-boarding
  • Service Outage and Notification Standards
  • Code Blue Complaint Handling Process
  • MSIS Staff Professional Development Process
  • Service Design and Workflow Standards
  • Timekeeping and Approval Process
  • Service Request and VM Workflow 
With extreme gratitude, I would like to thank the following people for their service and dedication to PIG: Eric Weimer, Sue Boucher, Kenny Hill, Tony Markel, Sarr Blumson, Debra Haslam, Charlotta Jared, and Dave Cuevas. Your time, talents and attention have helped inspire us to create the vision for PIG’s next generation.

The Big Bad Wolf project was to identify and outline the goals and objectives for the next generation of PIG. PIG v2 will work to facilitate problem solving for Solutions Delivery. With the recent addition of Problem Management to our ticket types, a lot of our staff now have Problems they are working through. We are here to help with that process - think of us as “problem coaches” to help you work through problem tickets and resolution.

We will begin by holding open Problem Coaching Office Hours every Thursday morning from 10-11 a.m. in Room 200-233 (the PIM room). If you are currently assigned to a problem ticket, please feel free to utilize this time to drop in so that we may assist you.

If you are interested in becoming part of the group, please let us know. We would be happy to share this opportunity with you as we all work on getting better at solving problems!

Process Improvement Group v2 Charter



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