Friday, February 6, 2015

As a reminder, we have been working on a department resource management process (see also a previous post to this blog or this previous post ). We have been steadily improving this and getting more awareness with the other Directors. This week Dave Roberts was able to join and his input will help shape the next iteration of ritual.  The charter is available for viewing here : MSIS Potentates Resource Management Charter .  

In most recent meeting we discussed:

- Database Administrator position: While no one was disputing the value or expected increase in workload moving towards the data management team; it was decided at this time not to post an open DBA role. Additional data on current state work processes and more definite workload forecasts are required prior to making an investment commitment. The group also discussed the different prospects for how the automation team can contribute to the processes around the provisioning and patching of oracle systems. 

- Product and Application Manager position: This position was also denied at this time absent a more established Product and Application Management team strategy. The next step is for the PAM group to help shape and document their team strategy so a staffing recommendation can be considered and supported. 

- The new position for the Data Management Services Manager is now posted on This is a new role that the resource management team agreed upon as our next investment in support of ongoing efforts in that team and to progress the services delivery model. 

We also had three informational discussions around: 

  • Prospective staffing strategies for how service delivery can enable the Education and Global Initiatives portfolio (particularly the priority around the new curriculum planning efforts)
  • The progress and upcoming 6 month plan for the integrated service team of data management (combining the operational and project resources of DMS and the DBA groups under a common workflow)
  • The realignment of our service managers into "Lines of Business" in order to support the MSIS portfolio efforts. 
If your group would like to be briefed on any or all of these, please let me know and I will be happy to arrange that. 


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