Saturday, February 8, 2014

The new 15five changes are out and available based on employee engagement feedback from the all-staff meeting.  Again the highlights are:

  1. Fewer organization wide questions and they are tuned to be a bit more open ended and relevant using your suggestions gathered in prior 15five surveys.
  2. Spacing out the frequency of the questions. The organization wide questions now occur bi-weekly and a couple quarterly. So.. hooray! 
  3. The entire management team has the ability to create custom questions designed specifically for your teams that only your team can answer. Talk it over with your team leads and supervisors. If you want custom and relevant questions; put in a ticket and we will get it available for you and your teams.
I also noticed that 15five provided the ability to use the @username option so you can throw a shout out to someone  in comments that has helped you or that you want recognized. It didn't seem to work the first couple times I tried it, but it recently seems to have corrected. As a reviewer role in 15five, it's a good way to make someone else know you appreciate them. Give it a try, it's a good thing. 


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