I ran across this little article today that seemed relevant. MSIS put quite a bit of resources into the B200 collaboration space for the...
Mashable's Setting Up Shop Series
This is a neat series from Mashable on how a small business owners is getting going. There are some tidbits in these I believe pertinent...
How I Work: Managing Projects from the Moon
It might as well be the moon, anyway! I’ve worked for MSIS on the other side of the Earth, nearly 8000 miles away from Ann Arbor, for jus...
BISON - Building Information Summary - Ongoing (for the customer)
I finished my first project since moving into the Solution Center as a Product Manager in the PAM group. I would like to tell you about my e...
Winds of Change - Part 4: Lean BPM
by Tom Bellinson Well, it's finally time to put this series out of its misery. I'd like to thank both of my readers (especially...
Getting it Done with a Technical Work Map and Coaching
The product application manager on the DBA team disclosed that there was an outage where a data loss occurred over a year ago which initiat...
Organizational Change with Transparency and Inclusion
The deputy CIO heard about my session on removing blame and requested that I facilitate the session with the management team. During ...
Winds of Change - Part 3: A Fanatic's View of BPM
by Tom Bellinson Let me just start this post by confessing that I am passionate about business process management (BPM) and its potentia...
Jim Knox, A Caring Legacy
Jim Knox was a friend and employee when I was in charge of Campus Computing Sites. He was an easygoing soul who didn't seem the lea...
A Good Change
Winds of Change Kaizen, or Japanese for "a good change" is the Lean concept of continual improvement at all levels. This we...
Solutioneering: Innovation and getting it done another way
It is easy for so many of us to solve an incident with a canned default answer of : The only thing we can do is rebuild your machine, I...
New Position Posted- Security Analyst
Someone has to be the bearer of bad news. At the last resource management group meeting a new Security Analyst position in MSIS was ...
Winds of Change - Part 2: Lean Thinking
-- By Tom Bellinson In the last (ahem!) exciting episode of Winds of Change, I offered an overview and brief history of lean. This time...
Service Tip: Checking on related requests
- A PIM tip by Michael Warden In our last review of our Code Blues we had an interesting item come up. A user was frustrated when they...